Some words about us

Our greatest success is that trough our work we got a chance to collaborate with people who are the best in this line of work and we had the privilege to meet them and learn from them. It is on us now to persevere and endeavor to constantly improve while creating our own, unique and recognizable signature and justify their faith in us. We hope that we have succeeded.

Why we are different

  • Attention to every detail
  • Keeping an open mind
  • Quality above all
  • Precision and responsibility
  • Creative versatility
  • Always open to fresh ideas and talented young artist

  • He’s an interesting fella…

    Steve McCurry
  • My good friend Marko, the magician, thank you for giving me a wonderful first visit to Serbia!

    Fritz Hoffmann
  • Marko’s respect and admiration for the craft of photography runs deep. He has dedicated his life to teaching and raising attention to photography in the Balkans through his own work and the through his incredibly heartfelt Fotorama Festival.

    Erika Larsen
  • Marko Stamatović je čovek koji već godinama ulaže ogromnu energiju, kako u samu fotografiju, tako i u promociju i popularizaciju fotografske umetnosti. Rezultat njegove aktivnosti jasno je uočljiv već danas, ali pravi značaj biće valorizovan tek u nekoj budućoj istoriji fotografije…

    Dragoljub Zamurović
  • I cannot say enough about Marko! He not only is an amazing photographer and artist, he’s a great teacher sharing his gifts with so many students. And he’s a tireless organizer of events always working to help expose his community to the larger world of photography and design.
    He is truly one of the most incredible people I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with.

    Dennis Dunbar
  • “Marko’s skills and professionalism added to his sense of humor, attention to detail and generosity really sets him apart.

    He is a fantastic person to work with.”

    Oscar Durand
    Co-Founder, Photographer at Everyday Latin America
  • Kada sam posetio izložbu o jednom selu iz istocne Srbije u tadašnjoj galeriji “O3one” poželeo sam da se raspitam o autoru koji mi je do tada bio nepoznat. Upitao sam prisutne i jedan od njih mi je skromno i tiho rekao da je on taj Marko Stamatovic. I od tada pa do danas prateci njegov rad, svaki put se iznenadim njegovim vrlo kreativnim i perfektnim novitetima i pristupom temi. Cesto me one navedu da i sam krenem slcnim putevima, ali on toliko brzo tabana svojim stazama fotografije da ga je jako teško pratiti. Svejedno da li je to na polju dokumentarne fotografije, modne fotografije, fotografisanja u studiju, ili snimanja starim tehnikama i to fotoaparatima koje je on sam napravio.

    Imre Szabo
  • I’m glad that I met Marco, he is one of the most interesting photographers that I have  met. He is talented and very keen on his work, he inspires many people around him. Thanks to Marco and his lovely family for the warm welcome in their home.

    Margarita Kareva
  • Marko is one of the most passionate persons I met in my role for Wacom PR and Social Media. He not only is ambitious in his work, he also drives an entire community of photographers in- and outside of Serbia. He is constantly challenging himself and his community to discover new opportunities and new partners. His FOTORAMA festival is legendary – and rightfully so. Because Marko always takes care, that participants enjoy the Festival and take home inspiration, knowledge and contacts.

    Jens Kellersmann
  • Marko is a person with amazing dedication, passion, and strong working ethic. Having had an opportunity to work with him in the past I can confidently say he is the person you can trust and rely on.

    Natalia Fadejeva
  • I admire Marko’s untiring effort to bring something new to the town. He’s got charms and strong will to give value to the next generation. Live long and prosper!

    Kō Yamada